Herbert Lang, born in Adelsheim/Germany, is a musician and promoter of classical Indian music since more than 30 years. He holds a B.A. in Indian Music from the University of Chennai/Madras. Herbert Lang was a stipendiate of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) and ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations). In 2006, he received the prestigious "Gisela Bonn Award" for extraordinary merits in the promotion of understanding Indian culture, specially Indian Music. He was guest professor at the University of Mysore for one year where he worked, supported by a grant for scientific work by ICCR, on the notation of Indian rythmics.

Music Productions & Arts Management
Herbert Lang / B.A. Ind.Music / Univ. of Madras
Bremerstr.17-33/Apt.38 / D-65760 Eschborn
Tel.: 0049 172 630 5785
e-mail: info@nowrecords.org



Os Beatles, Peter Gabriel e Kula Shaker, Oliver Messian, Steve Reich e LaMonte Young, Yoga, Meditação, “Goa Beach Parties”, Dr. L. Subramaniam, Pandit Ravi Shankar, A.R. Rahman e Bollywood:
a Índia foi sempre, ainda é, um destino para certos movimentos de juventude, procurando inspiração e auto-conhecimento. Os últimos dez anos, viram acontecer, um crescente reconhecimento, a nível global da Índia. À procura do seu próprio caminho de modernização. Neste contexto, os estrangeiros, raramente compreendem, que estes desenvolvimentos modernos, têm as suas raízes e uma base sólida, nas culturas indianas clássicas, nos seus conceitos tradicionalmente analíticos e ordenados.
Especialmente a arte da percussão, o toque do Mridangam na música Carnática e o toque da Tabla na música Hindustani tem impressionado, músicos e audiências, por todo o mundo. Um aspecto, dos vários níveis de cada técnica, práticas e estéticas dos ritmos indianos, tem impressionado o mundo da música, sem precedentes.
A técnica indiana do “Solkattu”; a arte da récita de estruturas rítmicas, usando um conjunto de sílabas, como “takadimi, tarikita” e as suas inúmeras variações.
Esta ideia única e original da música clássica indiana, tem sido adaptada mundialmente, em todas as tradições de percussão, desde os últimos 10 a 15 anos.



The Beatles, Peter Gabriel and Kula Shaker, Olivier Messiaen, Steve Reich und LaMonte Young, Yoga, Meditation, Goa Beach Parties, Dr. L. Subramaniam, Pandit Ravi Shankar, A.R. Rahman and Bollywood:
India has always been and still is today the destination for different youth movements in their search for inspiration and self-awareness.The past ten years have seen a bigger worldwide recognition of India finding its own way of modernisation. In this context it is rarely understood by outsiders that these modern developments have its roots and strong base in the classical Indian cultures and its traditional analytical and orderly concepts.
Especially the art of drumming, the playing of the Mridangam in Carnatic music and the playing of the Tabla in Hindustani music has impressed musicians and audiences all over the world. One aspect of the various technical, practical and aesthetic layers of Indian rhythms has impressed the world of music exceedingly, that is the Indian technique of solkattu, the art of recitation of rhythmical structures using a set of syllables like „takadimi, tarikita,“ and its inumerable variations.This unique and original idea of classical Indian music has been adapted in all drum playing traditions worldwide over the past 10-15 years.