Ponto de vista Ayurvédico

A Ayurveda tem uma cultura de nutrição muito rica. Não são só as receitas ou a preparação certa, são também os desdobramentos e as múltiplas dimensões das receitas e as suas formas de preparação.

Quem come o quê, onde, como e quão importantes são os aspectos, que a cultura alimentar Ayurvédica, tem. O mesmo alimento, que é muito saudável, se ingerido num determinado momento e na dose correcta - também pode tornar-se prejudicial e deixá-lo doente se ingerido no momento errado. Leite morno adocicado, é um dos tratamentos para a acidez do estômago; quando tomado numa noite de inverno ou quando se está constipado, torna-se prejudicial.

Esta palestra vem trazer-nos conhecimento precioso, da cultura de nutrição da Ayurveda, bem como contextualiza, uma alimentação equilibrada, mantendo o corpo saudável e energizado. Uma variedade de ingredientes, são usados em cada refeição para que todos os elementos cósmicos sejam ingeridos, nutrindo-nos de forma completa.
Conheceremos os oito princípios da cultura nutricional Ayurvédica. O ênfase desta palestra, é a importância do uso dos alimentos, num sentido benéfico, prevenindo a ingestão de alimentos que debilitam a nossa saúde.


Food as Nectar or Poison: An Ayurvedic point of view

Ayurveda has a very rich culture of nutrition. It is not just the recipes or right preparation but there are multiple dimensions to it.

Who eats what, where, how and how much are the important aspects of Ayurvedic food culture. Same food can be highly health promoting for you if eaten at a right time and in right quantity whereas it can turn out to be harmful for your health and can make you sick if consumed at a wrong time. Cold sweetened milk is a remedy for stomach acidity whereas if taken on a winter night or when you are suffering from cold, it proves to be harmful.

The lecture provides you the knowledge about Ayurvedic food culture and concept of balanced nutrition to keep healthy and energetic. A variety of ingredients are used in each meal so that we consume all the cosmic elements in our body. You would learn the eight principles of Ayurvedic food culture. The emphasis of the lecture is the importance of food in healing and preventing the consumption of food which can damage our health.



  After a doctorate degree in reproduction biology in India, Dr. Verma studied Neurobiology in Paris University and obtained a second doctorate. She pursued advanced research at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda (USA) and the Max-Planck Institute in Freiburg, Germany. At the peak of her career in medical research in a pharmaceutical company in Germany, she realised that the modern approach to health care is basically fragmented and non-holistic. Besides, we are directing all our efforts and resources to cure disease rather than maintaining health. In response, Dr. Verma founded NOW in 1986 to spread the message of holistic living, preventive methods for health care and to promote the use of mild medicine and various self-help therapeutic measures.

Dr. Verma grew up with a strong familial tradition of Ayurveda with a grandmother who had enormous Ayurvedic wisdom and was a gifted healer. She has been studying Ayurveda in the traditional Guru-shishya style with Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma of the Benares Hindu University for the last 23 years and completed her doctorate.

Dr. Verma is an ardent researcher and is working hard to compile the living tradition of Ayurveda and spread it in the world through her books. She has published eighteen books on yoga, Ayurveda, women and Companionship. The books are published in various languages of the world. Besides, she has published numerous scientific papers. Several other books are in preparation. She lectures extensively, teaches in Europe for several months a year, trains students at her two centres in India and gives radio and television programmes. Her film on Ayurveda was shown in 100 countries in 130 languages.

Dr. Verma has founded Charaka School of Ayurveda to train interested people with genuine Ayurvedic education so that they can further impart the knowledge of Ayurvedic way of life and save people from becoming a victim of charlatanry in Ayurveda.

Dr. Verma is doing several research projects on medicinal plants and their combination in the form of remedies. She has also taken up a social service project under a registered trust called The Ayurveda Health Organisation, to distribute and promote the use of Ayurvedic remedies and yoga therapy in rural areas of India. She does regular lectures for school children in the rural and remote areas of the Himalayas to promote wisdom of traditional science and medicine. 
Dr. Verma gives seminars, lectures and teaches in the Charaka School of Ayurveda with guru-shishya tradition. 

Dr Verma speaks Hindi, Punjabi, French, German and English and she has knowledge of Sanskrit.

Ayurvedic Private Sessions and Numerology sittings by Dr. Verma

During her stay in Lisbon, Dr. Verma will take some private sessions. A private session, which lasts for 90 minutes, is meant to lead you to analyze your entire life in terms of your physical and mental activities. It is meant to show you a way for changing your life for the better, and for improving yourself at physical and mental levels. It is meant to teach you to improve your quality of life, enhance your energy at physical, mental and sexual levels. You will be guided to lead a fuller and enriched life. However, be ready to make an effort for all this.
We will show you the way, but you must walk yourself. A private session is meant to make you self-reliant and independent to handle your minor physical and mental problems. Get out of a pothole and learn to enjoy each moment of your life.
We also offer short private session for 25 minutes and numerological sessions

50 Euro for 25 minutes
A complete analysis requires 90 to 100 minutes and costs150 Euro.
Numerology session: 50 euro for 25 minutes

For bookings, please contact: info(at)  


Enquanto ensinava Ayurveda em Zurique em 1993, um dos alunos disse-me: “A senhora é incrível, a senhora sabe muito”. Eu respondi espontaneamente: “Não, não, não, não sou eu, eu estou apenas a reciclar a sabedoria milenar”.
No entanto, quando nós “re-ciclamos” ou representamos a sabedoria milenar noutra dimensão do espaço e do tempo, moldamo-lo de acordo com as circunstâncias exigidas. Além disso, a sabedoria de todas as culturas antigas, seja Egipto, Grécia, Mesopotâmia ou Índia; não pertence a nenhum povo ou país em particular. É a herança mundial.
Charaka, o grande sábio do Ayurveda, falou sobre poluição e o meio ambiente há 2600 anos. Todos os principais vedas, escritos à cerca de 5000 anos atrás, ensinam-nos sobre a nossa conexão integral com a Natureza. Mantras que servem de apoio e cerimônias para o parto juntamente com a medicação racional, todo o tipo de cerimônias de cura, até mesmo os mantras para atrair a atenção de uma mulher falam sobre a terapia racional, mental e espiritual da terapia do Ayurveda desde o tempo de Atharav Veda. Além disso, este Veda fala-nos ainda sobre parasitas invisíveis chamados “krimi” e terapias racionais e espirituais para destruí-los.
Nós, os seres humanos modernos, gostaríamos de pensar que a Psicologia e outras ciências terapêuticas são uma invenção nossa, mas não são.
“Cheio de vitalidade, oh Haridre! (curcuma ou açafrão), és o melhor de todos os remédios, como o Sol e a Lua durante, respectivamente, o dia e a noite.” (Atharva Veda 5000 A. C.)
Quando lemos nos jornais que os cientistas na América descobriram propriedades antibióticas, anti-inflamatórias, anticancerígenas da curcuma, diga somente a si próprio - eles têm apenas “confirmado” a sabedoria milenar numa “Nova Luz”.
De fato, nós seres humanos estamos a mostrar o nosso grande ego quando não reconhecemos o que já era...
Estamos apenas a reciclar a sabedoria em uma Nova Luz.


Dr. Vinod Verma on "NOVA LUZ DA ÍNDIA"

While teaching Ayurveda in Zürich in 1993, one of the students said to me, "you are amazing, you know so much." I spontaneously replied, "no, no, no, it is not me, I am just recycling the old wisdom".

However, when we "re-cycle" or represent the ancient wisdom in another dimension of space and time, we mould it according to the required circumstances. Besides that, wisdom from all ancient cultures, be it Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamium or India; it does not belong to any particular folk or country. It is the world heritage.

Charaka, the great Ayurvedic sage spoke about pollution and environment 2600 years ago. All the major vedas, written about 5000 years ago teach us about our integral connection to nature. Supporting mantras and ceremonies for childbirth along with rational medication, all kind of healing ceremonies, even the mantras to attract an attention of a woman speak about rational, mental and spiritual therapy of Ayurveda from the time of Atharav Veda. Further, this Veda even tells us about invisible parasites called "krimi" and rational and spiritual therapies to destroy them.
We, the modern human beings might like to think that psychology, and other therapeutic sciences are our invention, but they are not.

"Full of vitality, oh Haridre! (curcuma or turmeric),
you are the best of all medicines, like the sun and the moon during the day and night respectively."
Atharva Veda 5000 B. C.

When you reda in the newspapers that scientists in America have discovered anti-biotic, anti-inflamematory and anti-carcinomous properties of curcuma, just tell yourself - they have only "affirmed" the ancient wisdom in a "New Light".

in fact, we human beings are displaying our high ego when we do not recognize what was already...
We are only recycling the wisdom in a New Light.